Sunday, January 15, 2006


Charles Hill was unable to write his column this week because he is sunning in far off places. He asked another to craft an article that is appropriate.

Good day to all in St. Charles. I know that some of you don’t really care to read about the goings on along Main Street so I will leave that subject to Charles.

I think we all need to realize that we are a somewhat exclusive group when it comes to problems on Main Street. The fact that all in St. Charles pay the tourism tax creates a Global Convention and Visitors Bureau. The tourism tax has grown to be a great deal of money that was once controlled by a less than qualified person. That person has since left and a search was conducted for a replacement. I think it is important to understand some history in regard to the previous person and ties to one of our longer tenured councilpersons. Councilman Rory Riddler and Steve Powell had been very close at one time. Riddler sat on the Convention and Visitors Bureau board for many years and with the help of Powell created the CVB that needed to be fixed. Riddler used Powell and Powell used Riddler to help move money from one place to another often times spending it with friends of both. Look at the amount spent with a company called JEM.

This history lesson serves a purpose. Riddler and the Mayor are part of those people interviewing the current replacement. I wonder if the next CVB Director will have to find ways to do business through a person to help funnel money back to another certain person. This is the politics of St. Charles I guess but it isn’t right. Rumor has it that Riddler has been pushing a candidate that has no background in tourism to be the next head of the CVB. If successful there would be a void of knowledge I bet Riddler would be more than happy to fill.

This position needs a person that is second to none. The people who pay the tax deserve the best not inexperience. There were over 100 applicants; you can’t tell me that out of 100 applicants we can’t find the experience that fits the entire City’s needs. After all tourism isn’t just about us, there are so many places that attract tourist in our general area. We all need to pay close attention to the person that is brought forward and demand the best.