Saturday, July 16, 2005

Anatomy Of A Recall Effort Who Is Behind Effort To Recall

Last week a group calling itself the Citizen Empowerment Committee sent out two expensive full-color brochures which made personal attacks on Councilwoman Dottie Greer and threatened her with recall if she didn’t resign. The First Capitol News was unable to find any statement of committee organization on file with the Secretary of State for such a group or the Missouri Ethics Commission, but we did find one called St. Charles Citizens For Responsible Government, whose stated goal is the recall of Council members in our community.

We have reprinted for you the form as it appears in State records. Knowing the background of the two co-chairs and their bank of choice should answer the question of who is really behind and bankrolling the attacks on Councilwoman Greer.

So who is the group that has so much money to spend trying to get people out of office in the middle of their term? Who wrote and designed their expensive piece of literature and is manipulating news coverage?

Glennon Jamboretz

Glennon Jamboretz, heads a St. Louis City Advertising & Political Consultant Firm. He lives in an exclusive area of St. Louis County. Not in St. Charles.

Jamboretz serves with millionaire developer T. R. Hughes (the Mayor’s number one political ally) on the board of the Great Rivers Habitat Alliance.

Jamboretz also represents the head of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), Tommy Mayer, who is suing the City for over a $100 million and who held a gun on City Administrator Allan Williams during a traffic stop a while back and ordered Williams face down on the ground. A woman, whose name appears on the literature sent out against Greer, just happens to be the wife of a city police officer and friend of Tommy Mayer. Mayor York has called Tommy Mayer Missouri’s “Top Cop”. He delivered the State Fraternal Order of Police’s endorsement to Mayor York in her reelection.

Ken Kielty

Ken Kielty runs a political consulting business out of his home and served as a campaign consultant to the Mayor.

Ken Kielty is also heading the committee raising money for a legal defense fund for the Mayor.

Ken Kielty was the Chairman of the County Convention & Sports Facilities Authority when they gave the contract for deposits to Premier Bank. At the time Premier Bank did not have an office in St. Charles. This illegal action was later stopped by the City Council.

Ken Kielty doesn’t live in
Dottie Greer’s ward.

Premier Bank

The bank where the group keeps the money they are raising to try to recall Greer is Premier Bank out of Jefferson City.

It is the same bank that millionaire developer T. R. Hughes is involved in many projects with and where it is believed he is an investor. It is also the same bank to which the Mayor and Kielty tried to move millions in deposits for the Convention Center.

Ken Kielty was the immediate past
Chairman of the board that oversees the Convention Center, where he served with the Mayor.

This same bank is where the Mayor’s Legal Defense Fund has their deposits.


Now that we have introduced the players what is their goal. Many people believe it is the $100 million taxpayer dollars that the City of St. Charles spends every year. $100 million dollars that this group can no longer control because of actions by six of the members of the City Council. For years these people have benefited from taxpayer dollars. Since this has been stopped. it is believed that they will stop at nothing to regain control of the taxpayer’s money.