Sunday, June 19, 2005


If one waits long enough, the truth always surfaces and that truth always bares the motives, schemes and goals of all involved. The root of all evil does appear to be one thing only-money, money, and more money. When people become obsessed with money, they can never get enough. They lay down any integrity and ethics they ever possessed and never look back. It is a devastating sickness that erodes the soul and devastates everything and everybody that has the misfortune of being in the vicinity.

The citizens of St. Charles County have been duped and made fools of under the banner of, “Let us preserve the green space. We can not allow the City of St. Peters to develop near the duck habitats around Hwy. 370.”

These wealthy conservationists who purport to save land for parks have just been exposed for greed that has surpassed anything we have yet seen transpire by any developers in the history of this county. They used the services of advertiser, Jamboretz, Citizens for Responsible Community (Moss and Stone), Mayor York, and until recently, St. Peters Mayor Shawn Brown, to attempt to defeat any effort by the City of St. Peters to develop this proposed area.

When this group of do-gooders made an offer to purchase the land to “preserve the green space,” they started at $5,000,000 and eventually raised the bid to $12,000,000. During discovery, documents just became public which show the true design of these people and rather than save the land from development, they intended to develop it themselves and make countless millions of dollars.

They lied to every taxpayer in this county, they lied to the City of St. Peters, and they spent a fortune defeating Mayor Tom Brown for reelection. They thought they owned Shawn Brown and they put him in as mayor of St. Peters. They appear to be ugly animals that have no ethics or moral compass whatever. These are the type of individuals who should never be listened to regarding what is in the best interest of the people of this county. They don’t care about anything but their own ambitions and how they can make a buck.

Right in the middle of all this muck is our own mayor, Patti York. It appears that her signing illegal contracts and being led around by the nose by a rogue cop is just the tip of the iceberg. That is mere child’s play; this is serious low-down dirty as it gets politics. Many of the same individuals who are involved in the St. Peters scandal are listed on her Legal Defense Fund. That is not a coincidence.

This is the first time in the history of St. Charles that a mayor has had to use a professional advertising giant to paint a false picture of what she is actually doing while pretending to serve the citizens of St. Charles. The mayor’s actions do not match her words. It appears we have a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

This is also the first time in our history that a newspaper has been created by wealthy individuals for the sole purpose of serving our mayor in her continued false presentation of facts in order to control and dupe the public. That tabloid has also attacked the city of St. Peters for their efforts to develop the Hwy. 370 area.

This is also the first time in our history that groups of citizens are going door-to-door to obtain signatures to put the question of recalling this mayor before the voters.

There is definitely a big stink at City Hall, but it isn’t the majority of the City Council producing the stench. It is the mayor and her four little boys, Kneemiller, Weller, Reese, and sometimes Muench.

People have been asking for months, “What is really going on that is so big and involves so much money for these people to behave like this? It has to be more than just the Convention Center.” I believe we are finally getting closer to the answer to that question.