Friday, April 22, 2005

STRAIGHT TALK - Bob Hoepfner, City Councilman

Well folks the City has survived for another week. With all the turmoil in City politics. It seems like the firefighters have backed off their demands for a pay raise. In a heated conservation I had with the firefighters representative Tuesday night I learned he doesn’t like my talking about City spending in my articles. Doesn’t think it is fair I let you the taxpayer know how much they cost us. But honestly, he is a man standing there with a loaf of bread in each hand. It is a little hard to understand much or feel sympathy for his whining. I seem to be getting criticized for my constant stand in favor of the resident taxpayer. That shows we are doing the right thing and those who feed at the public trough are not concerned about the burden placed on the resident taxpayers.

On another subject. It looks like the council is rethinking their position on funding of educational materials for our children. That is a good sign. We must take care of our children.

As far as us older citizens go, we need to stick together because the only breaks we are going to get are the ones we, you and I, force upon those who stand in our way when it comes to us being taxed.

I for one support Mr. Gross’s efforts to mandate how we spend gaming money. We should take the gaming money and fix the city’s infrastructure. Cut out some of our high priced city employees. I personally do not oppose anyone making a good salary. However, there is only so much honey in the jar. When you loose sight of who lives in the community and who is burdened with the taxes then you have lost your ability to work in government.

Remember, government is of the people, by the people, and for the people. You and I as senior citizens have paid and paid. We will continue to carry our part of the burden but why should we be penalized because we have reached this point in life.

So I say to you my fellow tax payers, let them know we have had enough. Hang in there with me. We will get something back in the form of tax cuts and better service for the seniors. We paid for it and we damn well deserve it.

Call me anytime, 949-0956, God love you, God bless you, we will talk to you next time.