Friday, April 22, 2005

Lions Golf Tournament

First Capitol Lions Annual Charity Golf Tournament April 30th
The First Capitol Lions Club will hold their annual charity golf tournament on Saturday, April 30th at Warrenton Golf Course.   In addition to 18 holes of golf, each participant will receive lunch, refreshments, a commemorative T-shirt, and a steak dinner catered by Ron’s Steakhouse.  The tournament begins with a shot gun start at 1:00 p.m. and will include a skins game, mulligans, a closest to the pin contest and longest drive contest.   The cost per foursome is $320 and team money is due by April 23rd.   Hole sponsorships are also available for $100 per hole.   To sign up, contact Ed Klenc at 636-949-0632.
 First Capitol Lions Club, formed in 2001, is a part of Lions Clubs International, the world’s largest service club organization.  The Club raises money for sight-related charities and local community organizations.