Friday, April 22, 2005

My Column - Mike McMurran, Sports Editor

“It doesn’t mean that much to me to mean that much to you.”

There have been a handful of people contact me and ask how I could possibly associate myself with such a “rag” as the First Capitol News. They asked me if I was worried about my reputation being tarnished and people thinking lowly of me. Some even went so far as to call this fine weekly “a communist publication.” Let’s see, where do I begin. First of all I fancy myself as a “rock ‘n roll” philosopher. Sure, I could quote Socrates or Plato; I have even studied more modern philosophers such as John Paul Sartre. In the end I have found most questions are answered in some rock song somewhere. For example, am I worried about my reputation? “It doesn’t mean that much to me to mean that much to you.” It has taken me over 50 years to develop into the person I am; granted I have my faults, and for the most part I am aware of them, yet I am relatively confident in most avenues of my life.

“Communist publication?” Come on now! Granted, I am far from being “apolitical,” and my views differ from the majority of St. Charles, but I believe in them just the same. Most of my friends try to convince me government should be run like a business. I couldn’t disagree more. Government should be run like a family. Sometimes there are those who need more help than others – history shows us that. Sometimes my daughter Maggie needs more help with her spelling; Joe, well Joe is just Joe, and anyone who knows him knows exactly what I mean. Daniel needs help with staying off the phone (do you know 93 “411” calls result in an additional $73 on you phone bill?). My wife and I both strongly believe in programs that help people improve the quality of their lives.

Me thinks those who throw labels around, such as “communist” and “liberals” have lost the argument before it starts. That’s just me.

As far as call the paper a “rag,” such can be a good thing. My research has shown that this publication really does report “news” that is not reported elsewhere. Take for example the debacle between the police sergeant and the city administrator. The only reporting of the incident in St. Charles second most read paper was a satirical piece by the former sports writer. It led me to wonder if it really happened, and if it did why was it not reported? (Pay close attention here, this is where I “spin” this into a sports related article) Unlike other columnists who enjoy dropping “big names,” I like only to drop the names of those of whom I come in contact with; what big named person would be seen with me? Yet my source in this situation is very reliable. If you are a regular reader of this column, you know who “reader # 19” is (First Capitol News, February 12 edition). Reader #19 told me first hand that the story, as reported by the FCN, was accurate. My point is the First Capitol News “scooped the story.” Not bad for a weekly.

No, I am proud to be associated with this paper. And plan to do so as long as they will have me. Heck, I have been offered at least three high school assistant coaching jobs for next fall, and have turned them all down to continue doing this.

Keep the comments coming folks, both positive and negative – they let me know you are reading the words. And, if I might put a plug in for those who have the courage to advertise here – without them there would be no paper. Without the paper we really wouldn’t know what was going on, would we?