Saturday, August 06, 2005


Usually I speak to issues on Main Street and some of the ways we spend our tourism dollars. Today I would like to address an issue that was raised by another paper. A columnist in the other publication asked, “Couldn’t our leaders be more civil?”

That columnist should look to himself when asking about civility, I believe our City Council leaders have been under constant attack by him and now he asks for civility. Columnists that have degraded elected officials and now ask about civility are less than genuine in their intent. That columnist can be credited with the phrases “Pretty Patti” and “The Riddler.” That columnist calls City Hall, Silly Hall on a consistent basis. So where is the civility in his writing.

As someone who is a novice to writing for print, I realize I have ruffled feathers and have been critical, but I am not being hypocritical and asking for civility. I find it most intriguing that we are calling for civility over a comment about a “cesspool” yet when Councilman Mike Weller was using words our kids would be punished for using, civility did not come to the forefront.

I think this does show a double standard that is being applied and the arrogance that the rich and famous seem to exude. It is okay for them, but if one of the little people dare speak out, it must be wrong. To think that it is not okay to identify problems and name them as one believes, without the pouncing effect that has been so deftly demonstrated by a well oiled public relations, plan is wrong.

Our city leader, namely the Mayor, has a number of surrogates that do her bidding so she can look clean. These men like Ken Kielty, Ed Watkins, Glennon Jamboretz, take on the fight so she can appear to be above the fray. The Mayor is considered the leader of the City and look at what this leader has done.

This Mayor has divided, destroyed and placed herself above all. True leaders are able to forge ahead even when they don’t like those they have to deal with. Case in point, two great leaders, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. Those two could work from a minority standpoint, build consensus, and move the country ahead. This Mayor and her unwillingness to compromise on any issue has created a City divided.

So to Mr. Columnist if you truly want civility, create room in your mind to allow for opposing thoughts without having to destroy those who disagree. Look for those who can work towards a goal. Never in the City’s history have we seen such poor leadership demonstrated by a Mayor.