Saturday, July 16, 2005


1942 - 2005

We lost a dear friend and a columnist on July 5th, Peggy Brickner-Wilke. Peggy left us after a battle with cancer. She will be missed.

Peggy was one of the writers who wrote the Conservative Factor Column using the pseudonym of Alex Spencer.

While covering a fundraiser held at Pio’s Restaurant for Dan Foust a candidate for Mayor, I met the owner, Ernie Dempsey. Dempsey told me that if we would have a conservative column in the First Capitol News he would advertise Pio’s Restaurant in the paper and would also have friends of his advertise with us. We accepted his proposition and suggested he author the column. He declined but Peggy Wilke, who had been listening to Dempsey, offered to be one of the contributors and offered to find others in the Republican party who would share the writing with her. Thus was born the Conservative Factor Column. The writers decided to use the pseudonym, Alex Spencer.

After the Conservative Factor was published for a couple of months, Peggy said she went to Dempsey and told him it was time to advertise in the First Capitol News as he had promised. She said he told her that he had changed his mind and was not going to advertise. She never forgave him.

Even though Dempsey reneged on his promise to Peggy and us to advertise in this publication, he is responsible for some of the success of this newspaper. The Conservative Factor column was well received by our readers and quickly became one of our most popular features.

Peggy was a prolific writer. She also knew who did the dirty deals and where the secrets were hidden and was not afraid to let the people know.

Peggy will be missed. She asked that the Conservative Factor column continue. We hope that the others involved with her in the production will honor her wish.


Last week the voters in Councilwoman Dottie Greer’s ward received two publications attacking Greer. These pieces were professionally produced. The layout, design and distribution of these publications cost someone a great deal of money. Doesn’t it make you wonder why they are spending so much money in an attempt to change the make up of teh Council? My guess is they are no longer able to live off the public dole because the Council won’t allow it, so they are going to try to get these Council people out of office and replace them with ones who will once again make it profitable for them.


Someone told me the other day that Ken Kielty was calling himself neither a Democrat or a Republican but a capitalist. He is as much a capitalist as were Stalin and Lenin. Kielty has been operating off of the government dole for as long as most people can remember. He was a high school teacher and counselor. Nothing wrong with being a teacher but he was in fact being paid with government funds. Then he received the hand-me-out of the state license office. Once again being paid with government dollars. Then he became chairman of the County Convention and Sports Facilities Authority and when the Governor removed him, he wanted them to hire him as a consultant at $50 an hour. Once again to be paid out of tax dollars.He told them that he would help develop a golf course on the north end of town. I know of no golf course design or planning experience that he can claim. He recently started a campaign committee to recall City Council members so he and his cohorts can replace them with representatives of their choosing who will once again put him and his friends back on the public dole. In addition, he has also allegedly been able to work a government program that allows him to market in babies from third world countries.

People sit back and think this could not be happening in St. Charles. They ask why? What could be causing this? That is easy to answer. The control of the $100 million City budget is what they are after. Your tax dollars to be used to benefit themselves once again.