Saturday, June 04, 2005

MY COLUMN - Mike McMurran Sports Editor

Ah yes, so often I forget why I entered the field of education. It seems like only yesterday, I was an undergraduate student at UMSL, and the all-important question was posed to the students: “Why are you entering the field of education?” There were some profoundly philosophical responses. “I wish to touch the future,” “Teaching is the most important job in American society,” “Working with youth is my life’s calling.” Then it came time for my response. “I want summers off!” And so it is. It has been a family tradition around the McMurran household that I call my lovely wife Lynn the moment school has been dismissed for summer and sing a verse of Alice Cooper’s “School’s Out…” She hates it; I love it.

Saint Charles High Baseball Pirates are on a roll at the right time. Head coach Charlie Meeker’s squad will travel to Columbia this weekend to participate in the Class 3 final four. The Pirates presently have a six game winning streak; if they can stretch it to eight they will be crowned State Champions. They will take on Pacific (15-7) in semifinal action Friday afternoon at 5 p.m. The Championship game is scheduled for 8 p.m. Saturday evening at Taylor Stadium on the University of Missouri Campus. Good luck boys!

Since school is out for summer the format will change a bit. Rather than have an “athlete of the week” we will now have a “team of the week.” This week’s team is a rowdy bunch of beer drinkers (my kind of guys) who play at Wallephorst Park on Tuesday evenings. They are sponsored by Cullpepper’s located on W. Clay. Should you wish to nominate a team for team of the week, contact me by phone or e-mail. Any team is eligible; youth, adult, baseball, softball.

Regular readers of this column know next to my family my passion in life is football. They also know that I have been offered two or three assistant coaching positions for next season; all of which I turned down. Then it happened. An old friend of mine called me last week and informed me he had just been named head coach of that football factory in North County, Trinity Catholic High School. Mark Harris is his name, and I have no doubt he will be successful. It may take him a couple of years, but I know Mark, and he knows football, and more importantly is an excellent teacher. Anyway, I congratulated Mark on his new position, and wished him all the luck in the world. He then asked me to come out of retirement and be his offensive line coach. “Nope, I am retired Mark. Plus I have this newspaper gig which is as demanding as it is fun.” Harris responded, “I don’t even have a second choice, you are the only one I want, sorry.” It took me by surprise, and, frankly, it gave me goosebumps. After a lengthy family discussion, it was decided that as long as I was able to continue writing for this wonderful weekly, returning to coaching would be fine. My 4th grade daughter Maggie and 2nd grade son Joe made it clear to me I had committed to the newspaper, and that in this family we keep our commitments. Sometimes I wonder who the adults are in my family.

Any way, I have made arrangements to do both. If anything, the high school coverage will improve in the fall. More to come.

Congratulations to St. Charles City resident Ryan Wallace who was recently announced the head football coach at Jennings High School. Unfortunately, Jennings and Trinity will play each other on the final game of the season next year. It is never fun competing against your friends – but it sure is fun beating them.

And lastly, it seems the Saint Charles Lady Pirates Soccer team overcame a bit of adversity and reached the finals of the District Tournament before ending their season. They were nominated for “team of the week,” and would have been an excellent story. Unfortunately, by the time I received the message they had turned in their uniforms and gone their individual ways. Sorry. Congratulations ladies. You have represented your school, your community, and your families proudly.

Mike McMurran: 314.280.9189 or