Saturday, May 07, 2005

STRAIGHT TALK - Councilman Bob Hoepfner

Hey! Hey! Hey! It looks like I survived another week in this little village along the river. I have to tell you folks, we tried to hold a hearing last night. Some people showed up to testify. However the important ones refused to come. In order to get to the bottom of this insurance deal we not only have to have the records but those people who handled the records. Namely, our former HR director. The reason for this investigation is the City received a demand letter from an insurance company wanting $200,000 in anticipated profit loss. However, we didn’t have a record of the contract their demand is based on. All we know so far is our former HR director had the Mayor sign a contract with the firm. Again, there is no record of this contract, no copy in City Hall. The procedures for all this should have been followed. It gets approved by the Legal Department, Contract Administrator and the City Council as required by ordinance. Then the Mayor signs it and copies are made and placed on file with the City Clerk at City Hall. The only thing that happened was the Mayor signed it.

I can’t tell you how disappointed I am in the fact that part of our Council voted NOT to subpoena the main players in this escapade. How are we ever going to find out what really happened? How will we know what liabilities we have unless we can subpoena these people to testify? Not only the former HR director but representatives from our broker of record and the insurance company. The indication from the news media is our broker of record, that firm, is under investigation by the state of New York. Also, the insurance company. With all the dark clouds hanging around this transaction one would think those four individuals on the Council who blocked the subpoenas have made a major error. There is no prosecution of anybody at this point and time, there may never be. However, we have to sort through this mess to find out what went on. Those four individuals did a disservice to the City and the resident taxpayers.

If they are afraid someone is going to go after the Mayor, I can assure them this is not a witch hunt, it is a fact finding event. I know some people don’t want to be confused by the facts, however all I want to do is to gather the facts, look at the facts and make a determination if something was done wrong. If that is the case then we will go after whoever is responsible.

You know folks we have enough problems in this town and, as I have said for many years, politics in this town is a full contact sport. The Council is divided and there is always the game of one upmanship being played. My personal feelings in this particular case are everybody needs to put aside their personal agendas and support this effort to find out what has happened and how munch liability we have. After all it is your money, the resident taxpayer’s money.

On another note, much to my dismay and objections, we are still buying the firefighters underwear with no receipts required. In effect, they are getting a $900 a year bonus on top of their high salaries. I have a suggestion for the head of the firefighters union. He needs to start serving cheese and crackers with that whine he provides.

I would like to compliment Chief Tim Swope. I think he is doing an admirable job. If you notice the boys in blue are more visible, writing more tickets (I love it) and at the same time they are more friendly. Thank you Chief. Keep up the good work.

In closing I will remind you we are slowly turning this ship around to be more resident taxpayer friendly. We have a long way to go but it is turning. I appreciate all your support from around the city. All your phone calls, e-mails and letters. God love you, each and every one. Keep those post cards and phone calls coming. I care. I know you care. 949-0956.