Saturday, July 30, 2005


The Decision and Indecision of Allan Williams

Dr. Allan Williams was hired as the City Administrator to help guide this City back on course. Since Mayor York was elected, this City has been on a path to nowhere. York’s never ending lust for power has stymied St. Charles and the positive things the residents deserve. Now York has once again taken control of the City and the Administration and. Williams appears to be okay with that.

Case in point is the management of the public works department. Williams had asked the Council to allow him to move forward and work with St. Charles Engineering being in charge of the public works department. The Council approved the original contract and when it was due to expire Council President Rory Riddler was asked by Williams to sponsor a renewal contract. This contract was read twice and voted on by the Council. The vote was unanimous. Then along comes Mayor York, the part-time Mayor, former flight attendant, former B & B operator and assistant professor at Lindenwood to say she thinks the contract lacks control and she vetoed it. Keep in mind the contract was read twice and 10 out of 10 councilman agreed to it. The City Administrator, who is paid $148,000 to run the day-to-day operations, wanted the contract with St. Charles Engineering extended. The City Attorney, who is appointed by the Mayor, drafted the contract. The City Administrator, who is supposed to run the City, please read the Charter if you don’t understand this, didn’t stand his ground. Instead his indecision forced a vote on the veto and the veto was sustained. No contract with St. Charles Engineering. A member of the department was placed in charge on an interim basis. Sources tell us that St. Charles Engineering had made an evaluation of personnel in the department at the request of Williams had made recommendations dismissal or reassignment of employees. This did not bode well with those who had the Mayor’s ear so bye bye St. Charles Engineering.

The residents voted to have a full time Mayor after the 2007 election but Mayor York somehow thinks she is the one in charge now. The City Administrator has demonstrated a pattern of indecision and lack of clear vision for the City. He has been unable to gain consensus and build trust with the Council to allow for a clear path. Why? This would interfere with York’s political ambitions and need to cover up the lack of understanding of her role in City government.

The City of St. Charles has a weak mayor system. The framers wanted to have a professional City Manager run the day to day operations. This hasn’t occurred in the years York has been Mayor. York has created a divisive belief within City Hall and now it has spilled onto Williams. Williams continues to decide then undecided what direction he wants to take the City. He is quick to place blame on others, which to me is true sign of weakness. He refuses to stand up to the Mayor and that spells doom for most of the residents. Williams makes a great deal of money but does nothing to support that salary, just watch and you can see how he has abdicated his authority.

Checks and balance only works when someone is truthful and honest with the information. After all, when someone cashes a check that belongs to someone else, it is never right. York wants the Council to bow down and abdicate their jobs and authority to her and Williams. They have created ineffective government and that costs you more tax dollars.