Saturday, April 02, 2005


“Let Them Build Outhouses!”
by Joe Koester

If you read the papers, then by now you have probably heard my quote, “Let them build outhouses...” referring to the St. Andrews development that refuses to annex into the City, but wants to hook up to our already taxed sewer system. The City of Saint Charles needs to guard its sewer processing system for its residents — after all, each Councilman has been elected to do right for the City and its residents, not for developers. So, I think it is really rich when some on Council accuse those opposed to St. Andrews hooking into our sewer system to be politically motivated. They are correct, however, in making this claim. I am politically motivated to help the City. Had I been elected to County Council, then I would have different interests to serve. What is really meant by those taking this, “that’s-politically-motivated stance” is this because T.R. Hughes opposed the election of several on the Council, our stance on St. Andrews can only be political payback. The opposite stance, of course, can be taken and claims could better be made that those who were supported by T.R. Hughes are wanting to help him regardless of the cost to our City. Mayor York was supportive of the annexation issues until, it seems, very recently. I wonder what or who changed her mind?
Ask the Council members supporting this hook up how it will benefit you as a tax payer! They will not have a good answer if they are being honest. The fact of the matter is, those outside the corporate limits pay less than those of us in the City for the same sewage treatment and we as a City do not make money from this service!

A further fact is, growth in tax base and population is important for our city regardless of the developer’s name attached! I spearheaded the annexation issue on the ballot in order to help St. Charles clean up its borders and hopefully bring into its jurisdiction more than 1,000 acres. By the way, most all of these areas are already served by our sewer system, so they do not add any burden to the system.

This brings up another point: you may see advertisement opposing the annexation. Remember, always look at the funding source and you will have a better idea who is behind these ads and maybe understand these interests are self-serving. Oh, don’t worry, these folks will spin things to make you believe Saint Charles will spend $30 million or more if we annex! Maybe these are the same people who didn’t want us to annex the Venture store at Cave Springs because it would cost too much! Truth is, this figure has been inflated by presenting these areas with every possible improvement we offer as a City. Do you know Hawning Road doesn’t need curbs and sidewalks because no one lives there!
Oh, and by the way - originally, my statement to, “Let them build outhouses!” was meant to indicate it was none of our concern how T.R. Hughes was going to get sewer service if he wasn’t a part of our City. You will be happy to know there has been word a sewer line costing $1.5M will carry St. Andrew’s waste to St. Peters which would help reduce the sewer system and maybe extend the time we have to get our system improved. Councilman Riddler pointed out when a private developer wants to build a 2 mile long pipe it costs $1.5 million, but if St. Charles wants to build one 3 blocks long, it costs ten times that much! Maybe we should contract with Hughes for future sewer work! So, if you were waxing nostalgic for little outhouse doors with a crescent moon cutout, I’m sorry. It looks like Hughes figured out a way to take care of his problem for only $1.5M!