Saturday, May 19, 2007

We Do Not Print Falsehoods

The First Capitol News reported the Mayor told the board of the police association she would fire Chief of Police Tim Swope and his staff if she was reelected.

This was not a lie!

Shortly before the election, the Mayor held a press conference saying this was a lie and she was keeping all the city directors for a year. Then she was reelected. A couple of weeks later Chief Swope is gone and has a severance package. His secretary has been transferred to the record room. His assistant Chief, Major Bob Boerding, has been relieved of his command and demoted to the rank of Captain. Captain Gary Pollard, the public information officer, was relieved of his duties, demoted to patrolman and then back to Captain. In the severance agreement Swope is to receive a years salary of $113,000 payable in monthly installments beginning May 18th and benefits to the end of this year. The agreement also places a gag order on Swope.

The First Capitol News reported on activities that occurred during former Mayor Grace Nichol’s term in office.

This was not a lie!

She berated this newspaper and claimed we told lies. She even ran a half page ad in a St. Peters newspaper and in a look a like publication of the First Capitol News. We obtained the information from news reports and individuals who served during her term. If you go back and check the news reports from that election you will discover she made the same claims against her opponents then as she made against us during this election.

We reported that Councilman Mike Weller was disgusted with the snow removal efforts of the city. He told the Mayor that enough was enough.

This was not a lie!

In our February 24th edition we produced the e-mail that Councilman Weller had sent the First Capitol News.

The First Capitol News reported just prior to the election that millionaire developers were attempting to take over city hall.

This was not a lie!

A review of campaign finance reports on file at the office of the Director of Elections and news reports show that millionaire developers spent more than $1000,000 in recent election campaigns to place their candidates in office.

The First Capitol News reported that Professional Character Assassins were being brought in for the recent Mayoral and City Council elections.

This was not a lie!

A review of the campaign material you received in the mail and the phony clone of our newspaper that was thrown on your driveway prove it was a fact.

The First Capitol News reported that a Grand Jury subpoena was served on the city for records including records regarding the illegal signing of a contract without city council approval that the Mayor signed with Express Scripts. A contract that Express Scripts has made a demand of a $200,000 payment from the city.

This was not a lie!

Executive session minutes will show that the subpoena was served on the city and the council appropriated $25,000 in attorney fees for the hiring of a special council to make sure the records were provided in a timely manor.

The First Capitol News reported State Representative Tom Dempsey passed legislation in one day that prevented the city from stopping TR Hughes from hooking up his St. Andrews subdivision located outside the city limits to city water and sewers.

This was not a lie!

Records on file with the city and the state government plus later news reports show this was a true story.

A story in the First Capitol News reported that deposed testimony in the investigation of fraud and forgeries in the recall attempts against Councilwoman Dottie Greer and Councilman Mark Brown linked developers to the recall attempts.

This was not a lie!

A copy of the deposed testimony on file in the law office at city hall shows this was a true story.

A series of investigative reports by the First Capitol News told of millions of dollars in campaign money laundering through a large number of committees headed by Thomas Smith, an employee of State representative Tom Dempsey, J of 320 Monroe Street.

This was not a lie!

Reports on file with the Missouri Ethics Commission prove this information was correct.

The First Capitol News reported the recall efforts against  Councilwoman Dottie Greer and Councilman Mark Brown were full of fraud and forgeries

This was not a lie!

An investigation by the police department showed this information was correct. Arrests were made and charges issued and more charges are pending by the office of the Prosecuting Attorney.

There are hundreds of similar examples. You can check our archives at for additional stories. You will see the First Capitol News publishes the truth. Those who would like to keep the truth hidden from the residents of St. Charles are attempting to discredit this publication. We are standing between them and total dictatorship in their attempts to line their pockets with taxpayer dollars.