Saturday, March 04, 2006

Senator John Edwards Speaks at Fund Raiser for Democrats

From left to right, Mrs. Wayne Henke, Wayne Henke Democratic candidate for State Senate to fill the unexpired term of Senator Jon Dolan who resigned, Senator John Edwards, Greg Boothe, Senator Chuck Graham at a fund raising event for Wayne Henke.

Senator John Edwards spoke to a standing-room-only crowd Sunday night in St. Peters. Edwards was in town to raise funds for Wayne Henke, D-111th District, who is running for state senate. Edwards spoke of the lack of leadership in current government and encouraged Democrats to become active in changing that fact starting with local politics.

During the 2004 presidential election, Senator Edwards spoke critically of “two Americas,” one for the rich and one for everyone else. The response to Hurricane Katrina’s devastation in the Gulf Coast region made Senator Edwards’ comments of “two Americas” even more telling.

Edwards stated that he has experienced everything this country has to offer and he is a Democrat because he knows he didn’t get to where he is today by himself. He also stated that Democrats are the voice of the poor and underprivileged and said that, “...If we don’t speak up for the poor, nobody will!” Senator Edwards also challenged the belief that the poor are lazy and stated that the people he meets across the land are, in many cases, working two and three jobs to provide for their family.

Senator Edwards has become very active fighting poverty and standing up for the Middle-class. More can be read about Senator Edwards at: When asked if he plans on running for President in the next election, Mr. Edwards commented, “I’m seriously considering it.”