Saturday, August 06, 2005

CASE IN POINT By Joe Koester, Councilman Ward 9

Case In Point By Joe Koester, Councilman Ward 9

5 + 2 + 1 = -3,700. Well, math never really was my strong point, but in this case I’m referring to the number of jobs Missouri is scheduled to lose with base closings announced by the Pentagon: 3,700 good paying jobs! So, what about the other figures in the equation? Those represent our GOP friends who dropped the ball making Missouri the number one state in base closings in the Midwest: five Congressmen, two Senators, and one Governor. Now, to be fair, our governor did hire a lobbyist (no, it wasn’t a brother, sister, or any other relative of his) two days after the closings list was made public!

Why isn’t this Administration showing this GOP majority of Missouri any love?
To make a point, Illinois by comparison, has staved off large cuts – a state with a majority of Democrats at the helm. Thanks to swift action by Congressman Jerry Costello, Scott will not be closed. Let’s be Blunt, it shouldn’t have taken much Talent for the Republican Bond between Washington D.C. and Missouri to have helped us save these good jobs, instead our leaders have failed the St. Louis area and now we will be Aiken for years to come!

Switch gears with me now to a local issue. In the 15th District, the state GOP sent out a shameful campaign mailer that blatantly lied about State Representative Tom Green. They told the good people of the 15th District that Tommy Green used the public’s dime to pay for a trip to Alaska. Fact of the matter is Tom Green has never even been to Alaska. Hey, the GOP isn’t worried about facts getting in the way! If you remember, they learned this trick back in their own primary election when it looked as if Senator John McCain was going to walk away with his Party’s nomination. The Bush folks simply asked the people of South Carolina a loaded question that suggested that Senator McCain had an illegitimate child….of color! I was surprised to see them use this strategy since Dixie’s very own Senator Jesse Helms led the fight for Senators begetting children of color out of wedlock! I declare! All of this lie telling and cheating isn’t at all Christian!

Recently, I learned of another such candidate who the GOP made out to be a vegetarian in cattle country, Missouri. That may not seem like a big deal to you or me, then again, we aren’t making a living by raising cattle. This pattern looks like a dangerous one for fair elections!

So, what’s the answer to all of this? Election reform is a start. We need to refrain from telling lies to win elections, but really, we need to hold these folks accountable when they do stoop to such unethical levels! The Missouri Ethics Commission should have the ability to fine and punish politicians and a Party that is willing to lie to win votes!