Sunday, June 26, 2005


This week’s First Capitol News team of the week is the Misfits, a group of “younger, middle age women,” according to team captain Anne Oberle. “We have been playing together now for almost 20 years,” said Oberle, which would have made most of the players 15 years old when they started, that is if in fact “the average age of the girls is 35,” as Oberle claims.

The team is sponsored by Old Mill Chiropractic on Jungermann Road; which make Dr. Dan Coogan the team’s general manager. “The team started out almost 20 years ago without a single win,” shared Coogan, “hence the name Misfits. They probably peeked about five years or so ago when they were considered one of the better recreational teams in the area.” Past their prime or not – we are happy to acknowledge them as Team of the Week.