Saturday, April 09, 2005

STRAIGHT TALK - Councilman Bob Hoepfner Ward 10

Well it’s spring time and everything is starting to come alive. Everything, I mean flowers popping up out of the ground, trees leafing out, the Convention Center finally done. Now all we have to do is find customers to pay for it. The hotel is three months behind schedule. There is an effort to let the hotelier break their contract and let them out of their commitment to pay the City over $1 1/2 million over a period of time, to operate the food and beverage in the convention center. This is going to throw a bigger financial burden on the taxpayers. You know sometimes when you are involved in different goings on you end up knowing too much. What I mean by that is you wonder how it is all going to work out in the end. I talked to the State Auditors office today. They tell me that next week they will probably bring out the results of the audit. No later than the following week. So soon my friends we will get the professional’s opinion on how the City is running.

We are trying to move forward with the growth of the city. The golf course is going to be developed. That will start pretty quick. It is a shame developments wind up taking some of our assests. We have lost two golf courses, but life will go on. The Casino is planning a nice development. What this all should mean folks is lots more money coming into the City. One would think, at least in my humble little mind, maybe just maybe your elected officials will get rid of that utility tax.

Speaking of taxes, I still want to try to do a state wide referendum to freeze the property taxes if not reduce them, in special circumstances. I understand in Texas when you turn 65 you become exempt from school taxes. There is a good idea because by 65 you have paid your dues for the schools.

The state is cutting funding for age groups. At the senior center they are eliminating the salad bar. Now, this may not seem important to you. I want you to realize however the seniors who go to the center on Fairgrounds go there for a meal which could be their only one meal for the day.

We as a society should be ashamed of the way we treat our senior citizens. They not only cutting meals at the senior center, they are also going to cut back on Meals on Wheels for the home bound. I am not a socialist but I am a taxpaying American and I think we need to take care of those who used to take care of us.

We are going to have a very good Oktoberfest this year. It is going to be three days long and have authentic, German entertainment, food and fun. I am bringing it up now so you can start marking your calendars because you won’t want to miss it. It is going to be better than the Strassenfest.

Still out battling those battles for you folks. I appreciate the calls and support and as long as you hang in there with me I will slug it out every day of the week for you.God bless you, God bless America 949-0956.