Saturday, April 16, 2005


When one encounters a wild dog in the woods, the single animal usually barks, acts threatening, and then runs off. When one encounters a pack of wild dogs, the individual is in mortal danger because the group will attack.
A single predator poses little threat; however, a predator that runs with a group for moral support and unfair attacking advantage is quite deadly. The single predator also lacks courage and is quite cowardly. It is his nature to cut and run without group support. Most predators are opportunistic creatures that can be counted on for little more than “cutting and running” when the going gets tough or immediately after his hunger has been momentarily satisfied.
It takes real courage for individuals to not only face a pack of wild dogs, but stand firm and never retreat. The longer they stand firm and ceases to retreat, the predator must increase the size of the pack in order to have the nerve to go in for the kill.
Wild animals kill for food, to protect their young and to settle boundary disputes. Humans are different in that greed, power over others, and unfair advantage is often their primary driving forces. In many ways animals are far more humane than people because they need a reason to kill other than “because they can.”
Five years ago a new newspaper came to town to serve this city with articles that pertain to the city, its people, and its politics. The First Capitol News prints the news as it happens. Everything that happens in this city is not always pretty and sometimes it is downright disgusting. The public mind is easier to control if all the ugly is glossed over and hidden so that individuals think less therefore insuring the continued control by whoever is in charge.
The First Capitol News covers civic and sports events and has captured beautiful colored photographs of this city and its people to share with the public. For the first time the public has easy access to the government agenda and accurate reporting of what really happens at City Hall. It has made people wonder what was going on prior to The First Capitol News opening all the windows and letting the sun shine in.
All that sunshine does not set well on those hiding their activities cloaked in darkness. Not one of these individuals who have spent the past five years attempting to drive Tony Brockmeyer and Phyllis Schaltenbrand out of business has the courage to stand up and single-handily attack them one on one. A sure way to insure deeper probing and examination is to continue to attack and hope to drive out of business the people printing the truth as it happens. This type of activity makes people who have always been perceived as “smart” look real “stupid.” It also makes them appear to be hiding more than what is printed and does not instill confidence in the public to trust their judgment, much less their leadership.
People as well as animals emit an odor when paralyzed with fear. The odor is becoming overwhelming. What are these people afraid of if the First Capitol News keeps printing? Are they afraid of losing their power grip in the future or afraid of being exposed for past activities?
A handful of egos have used and misinformed all they know to increase the number of wild dogs to add to the pack for the final, ruthless, inhumane kill. Some local organizations were included a long time ago to help attack the First Capitol News for the Mayor and her minions. In order to control any organization, one only has to control the Board of Directors. The members just follow along. No upstanding organization should do the dirty work for the “leader of the pack,” whoever that is. Scaring the public with lies is the oldest gimmick in the world to secure support and votes.
After an attempted break-in at the newspaper, phone threats, unlawful background checks on citizens, harassment of advertisers, and slander, the First Capitol News is alive and well. It is widely read because it has substance and our advertisers reap the rewards of its popularity.
The newest addition to the pack is the creation of another newspaper whose goal is to attack our newspaper and tell “what is really happening in St. Charles County.” The publisher calls himself an “entrepreneur.” “I think that means a jack of all trades open to any and all opportunity to make a buck.” The money behind the operation is a wealthy individual and a few friends who have grudges and absolutely no sense of humor. I’m still attempting to determine which is larger, their pocketbooks or their egos.
I want these gentlemen to do whatever they think they are big enough to do and then witness the temper tantrums when they fall short. I wonder how long they are willing to spend what appears to be $20,000 per month to print their temper-tantrums for the sole purpose of attacking another newspaper which truly provides a public-service. How do you equate all that venom as beneficial to any community?
It seems a handful of power-mongers are exerting a tremendous effort to close a newspaper. I think it would make more sense if they apply a direct approach and form a swat-team to raze the building housing our newspaper. J.Noto would have a fit because he has a thriving business downstairs, but not to worry, that’s just a casualty of war. The winning side has the POWER, and power and who has it is all that matters.
The pack is on the attack because that is what is good for us and good for this community. Now if there is at least one person out there that believes that, then please call me. I want to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.