Friday, March 04, 2005

Put St. Charles First

By Jerry Haferkamp

“but there is no joy in Mudville—mighty Casey has struck out.” The closing words to “Casey At The Bat” by Ernest Thayer fit the mood of a lot of folks in St. Charles when finding out about the actions of our new City Administrator. We were waiting to see how he would do when he had, like Casey, to bat in a crunch situation.
When hired, Dr. Williams stated he would not take sides in matters, but would do what is best for the City.
In the matter of selection for Chief of Police, he has apparently reversed himself and did take sides, with the result being detrimental to our City. Doing his job as described in our Charter would have meant bringing forth for consideration the person he, not the Mayor, considered to be the best candidate. When he found out the Mayor reneged on what she is reported to have told several Councilmen, he folded like a newspaper. So much for not taking sides. He should have brought the name forward, and let the Mayor show her obstinacy again. Next time, Dr. Williams, at least take a swing at the pitch. Getting called out on strikes without trying to hit is the worst kind of strikeout.
By the way, has anyone relayed to the Mayor the information the Mayor doesn’t get to run the whole shooting match until after the next mayoral election? Better yet, has anyone told Dr. Williams?
“Shock and awe”! No, I’m not talking about a brilliant military strategy, just my feelings about the way the process fell apart.
Shock was the feeling I had when I found out the Council was foolish enough to take Mayor York at her word. Oh, for the good old days when a person’s word was their bond.
Awe came when I realized she “did it to ‘em again”. I am truly in awe as to how she just keeps getting away with it. Atilla the Hun had more finesse, but less success.
We are wasting a lot of time and money and keep rejecting the man most qualified to lead this Police Department. Interim Chiefs are expensive. It’s time to cut our losses and eliminate the middlemen such as Dr. Williams, Mayor York and our City Council. It is time to go directly to the Fraternal Order of Police, and find out whom they will grant the Mayor authority to approve. Since the Mayor apparently doesn’t intend to stop interfering in the process, she can then relay the chosen one’s name to Dr. Williams. Since Dr. Williams seems to want to bring forth only candidate the Mayor has knighted with her royal scepter, the Council can close their eyes, hold their noses, and in an act reminiscent of the previous Council, rubber-stamp the appointment of Sir Chief. However, if the Fraternal Order of Police is going to run our police department, we should all get to elect their officers. That’s only fair.
Are we still wasting our money on Steve? Why?